The Achievement Protocol (#AchievementProtocol) is now available in paperback! It is active on and through the author’s Amazon E-Store.

For a limited time, I am offering a limited number of copies at an amazing 45% discount off of the regular price of $14.99, which means you can purchase it now for a mere $8.24 – but there are two conditions:
1) If you have not already provided me with your e-mail address, you need to sign up here and enter the word ACHIEVE in the comments to get the discount code, and
2) You need to order through this link to the e-store instead of the main website.
After you’ve read the book, I would also like you to seriously consider going to and writing a review of the book. A quality review and appropriate star rating will help other potential readers know what to expect, and it will also help me to better understand what affects my readers.
The initial release pricing will end at 11:59 pm PST on February 13th, or after the initial release quantity has been exhausted, whichever comes first.
Please share this post on your Facebook page and let your let your friends know that they will have to sign up here and enter the word ACHIEVE in order to get the discount code.
Have a fantastically productive Wednesday!